Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
Here at FMC, we strive to provide children with many activities that will help them encounter God and begin a lifelong relationship with Him. Our ministry is focused on equipping these children to know God's Word in their heads, know Jesus' love in their hearts, and serve Him with their hands and feet.

Sunday Mornings
Kid's Church
Kid's church is offered during the 11:00am worship service only. Children start in worship with their parents, then they are dismissed to God's Playhouse for the remainder of the service.
Sunday School
Kid's Sunday school begins at 10:00am. Parents may check-in and drop-off their children at God's Playhouse, located on the second level of the sanctuary building.
wednesday nights
We offer children's activities and Bible study every Wednesday night during the fall and spring semesters. Dinner is available in the Social Hall at 5:15pm, followed by children's activities in God's Playhouse.